12) The Board authorized General Manager Dave Parkinson to appoint individual members as project chiefs for restoration programs on each major piece of Association equipment.

13) The Board passed a motion to place on the agenda of the February meeting a determination of the fate of Mojave Northern #3, currently stored at the Orange Empire Trolley Museum in Perris.

14) The new Application-Renewal Forms of the Department of Records & Personnel were adopted as standard operating forms of the Association.

FEBRUARY 2, 1971

1) President Kerr reported the present owner of the B&M Machine Works claims the Association owes him a total of $53.88 for work done on E.J. Lavino #10, currently located in Perris. Although the owner did not have a billing for the work done, it was the concensus of the Board the charge was a legitimate one. The members of the Board voted to pay the bill upon receipt of a new billing.

2) It was announced by parties involved the positions of Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee, Master Mechanic, and Director of Public Relations are open for appointment.

3) The Board refused to pass a motion for Kent Andersen's proposed excursion te Kelso on Union Pacific. By concensus the Board opted for a trip instead to Yermo provided sush arrangments can be made within two weeks.

4) The Bord accepted the operating budget for 1971 as presented by Comptroller Eric Sanders.

5) John Hathaway, Director of Records & Personnel, reported 30 regular and 32 contributing members had paid dues for 1971. 6) Chop Kerr, of the Storekeepers department, reported he had received verbal approval to store Mueum equipment at MCRD should the need ever arise. Chop also reported the bell from E.J. Lavino #10 had been stolen at Perris. Chop said the cost of moving one rr both of the locomtives currently in Perris to San Diego would be 53ยข per 100 pounds (full rate). Chop announced Santa Fe had offered PSRMA a selection from a number of its condemned Santa Fe rolling stock at $3.00 a ton. Board moved not to purchase any equipment as it was reported to be in very poor shape.

7) Master Mechanic Bob DiGiorgio reported the boiler inspector wants PSRMA to remove the firebrick from the Shay for the next boiler inspection.

8) By concensus, the Board wants PSRMA to investigate the possibilities of a two week excursion to Mexico next Christmas.

9) By concensus, the Board felt a steamup of E.J. Lavino #10 was not practical at this time based on reports by Bob DiGiorgio concerning the status of the equipment now in Perris.

10) Board instructed President Kerr to follow up the offer of California Southern Railway Museum to purchase Mojave Northern #3 before making final decision on the status of #3.

11) The Board moved to hold the next quarterly meeting in the House of Hospitality, Balboa Park.

12) The Board instructed the Advisory Committee to ammend and/or approve the proposed Association calender for 1971.

13) The Board approved a motion to affiliate with the San Diego Congress of History at $5.00 a year.

14) John Hathaway, Representative of the Advisory Committee, reported the Committee recommended the By-law revision project be undertaken by the Review Committee and the Standing Rules be reviewed by the Advisory Committee and then submitted to the Review Committee. The Board approved by concensus.

15) By concensus, the Board instructed the Review Committee to select its own chairman.

16) Proposed leasing of member-owned equipment was refered to the Advisory Committee for study.

17) By cencensus, the Board decided a special mailing will be made to donors of the Shay fund before the next steamup inviting them to participate.

18) By concensus, the Board gratefully accepted a donation of railroad historic items from Mrs. Chick Kent from her late husband's collection.


Response to the new Membership Application-Renewal Form has been very promising. A majority of our members returning the form have been taking the time to check all the appropriate boxes concerning their membership.

If you haven't renewed your membership, please do so right away. This will help us keep our records in order and will let us know what our membership base for 1971 is going to be.

If you have lost the renewal form, just drop a line to John Hathaway, Director of Records & Personnel, 4215 Dwight Street, San Diego, 92105. All completed forms should be sent to John. Checks for dues should be included, but should be made out to PSRMA.

As soon as the flurry of renewals drops off, a new membership list, including participation information for each member based upon the Application-Renewal Form, will be made available for all Museum officers and department heads. If you have indicated an interest in any particular project you should be hearing from the person in charge.

The question is often raised, what can members of PSRMA, as individuals, do to help the Museum in its efforts to establish an operating railroad. There is one simple task, if undertaken by all members, that could help in many ways.

You, as a member of PSRMA, are obviously interested in railroading in one form or another. Chances are you have a number of friends or acquaintances who share a similar interest, yet are not members of PSRMA.

Try to encourage these people to join PSRMA. Our proposed budget for 1971 calls for 60 regular and 90 contributing members. We should have many more, for each new member represents more than his dues in the till. A new member is a potential helping hand in all activities, he is possibly the new viewpoint that can help us overcome some of the obstacles that still face use and finally, he is one more voice for our cause.

So try to encourage your friends to join. If you know someone who expresses an interest, send John Hathaway his name and address, and John will send him an application form. This is something each and every member can, and should, do. It is something we can all do as individual members to help PSRMA.


At the special election held during the Annual Dinner meeting January 17th, George Geyer was elected to fill the remaining 11 months of the two-year Board members term vacated when Chop Kerr was elected President last October. Good luck to George in his new responsibilities.

It is with pleasure that Dave Parkinson's article on his recent ride on the Metroliner is printed in this month's REPORT. The staff of REPORT is eager to print more stories and pictures by the members and friends of PSRMA. Simply type or print legibly your story and mail it to REPORT, P.O. Box 12096, San Diego, CA 92112.


2 - Board Meeting, San Diego Trust & Savings,7:30pm
6 - Shay repairs & final steam-up preparations, Miramar NAS, 10 am. DiGiorgio in charge
27 - Movement of PSRMA equipment from Hayward's to DiGiorgio's, 10 am, Pennick in charge