Southern Pacific Bulletin
July, Page 3
Carriso Gorge, on S. D. & A., One of Seven Wonders of America, Says N. Y. Writer
The famous Carriso Gorge, on the lines of the San Diego & Arizona is grouped among the Seven Wonders of America by a writer signing himself J. S. A. in the New York Herald, who says:
I HAVE been observing with interest the symposium on the seven wonders of the United States, but the greatest wonder of all to me has been the fact that not one of the gentlemen whose opinions have
been recorded has mentioned the Carriso Gorge in California, a little this side of San Diego. However, excuse may be found for this in the fact that while Carriso Gorge is undoubtedly co-eval with all the
other natural wonders, it is only within a few years that it has become accessible to tourists.
Carriso Gorge is a marvel of scenic beauty, in many places wearing the appearance of having been bathed in a storm of opalescent dust and the coloring burned in by the sun of the ages.
Not the least of the wonders in connection with this wonder itself is how the engineers built the tortuous mountain climbing railroad that traverses it. And one can have nothing but admiration for the
capitalists whose vision and courage made this marvel of scenic beauty so comfortably accessible to those whose love of nature impels them to roam about the world feasting their eyes upon the
splendors of creation. I saw many of the listed wonders of the United States on a six weeks' trip through the West, Northwest and Southwest last summer, but I saw nothing from a car window
or observation platform of a moving train that was so magnificent and awe inspiring as the Carriso Gorge.
July 1924, Page 7
Co-operative efforts of employes on the San Diego & Arizona Railway in business solicitation resulted in San Diego's first solid "Golden State Limited" through Chicago train to leave that city May 22 with a capacity load of "back east" excursionists.
Early in May S. D. & A. employes held a meeting in the San Diego machine shop for the purpose of stimulating business getting. Ernest Ebersole, of the master mechanic's office, presided at the meeting. General railroad matters, as well as business getting, were discussed with the idea of bringing out all possible
suggestions for maintaining efficient service. Master Mechanic Thomas F. O'Connell had the machine shop decorated and arranged an interesting program for the occasion.
Among those called on for short talks were: F. B. Dorsey, traffic manager: Dave Sutor, car foreman; Robert Rennie, blacksmith shop: Glenn Crawford,
warehouse: Al Carney, conductor; Dr. Harry Wegeforth, company physician; S. A. Lamey, yardmaster; A. J. Mello, T. D. Hood, Charles McLachlan,
H. G. Burke, E. Christiansen, A. D. Hagaman, C. A. Vincent, R. J. Schussler, Joe Hild, and William Barker.
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