Southern Pacific Bulletin
July, Page 21
San Diego & A. E. Ry.
Al. Wyttenbach, Telegrapher "KN" San Diego
The Nation's most Southwesterly rail system hereby makes its debut. Hope you like us like we like you. . . . Business-getting committee functions smoothly and efficiently. Membership: Ben Diffenbaugh, chairman; Welton Grosdidier, sec'y.; Fred Bakeman, Car Shops; Chris. Brown, engineer; Bill Cameron, Store-Com.; Geo. Culley, TFA; Don Diebert, fireman; Bill Douthett, TPA; Bill Hudson, Tel. & Tel.; Harry Jones, NW-B&B; Clarence Knight, agent; Don Little, trainmaster's clerk; Rob McCreery, San Diego freight; D. L. McNaughton, Traffic Office; Art Van Booven, trainman; S. H. Williams, Locomotive Shops.
Engineer Ed. Enright's mother passed on recently. . . . Mrs. Frye, wife of Engine Foreman "Doc," on a hurry-up trip to Ohio due to father's illness. . . . Mrs. Landau, wife of "O.B," ass't agent, Chula Vista, at home after an operation. "OB" lost ten pounds but is still able to comb the flower garden and walk the dog. Dog speaks three languages: Ocean Beach, Chula Vista, and Canine. . . . Harry Douglas, Purchasing Dep't, on the mend after an appendectomy. . . . Engineer Bill Eldridge back from San Francisco Hospital, ready for the high wheelers or anything that will steam. . . . "Prof." A. B. Raine showing the boys how to become Federal Un-employed Insurance men in one easy lesson. Distinguished visitors and pupils: Sup't J. R. Lowe, Welton Grosdidier, Harry Jones, Fred Gay, Ernest Ebersole, Clem Roberts, Andy Dahl, Nels Christiansen, and A. Bloom.
Fred Armstrong, B&B chief, and Carl Eichenlaub, eminent engineer, much seen at Tecate lately, "holding in" due to business of scale installation at new Copra plant. Two cargoes of cocoanuts now at sea enroute to Tecate. Nice new business. Monkeys in the Philippines developing charley-horses pitching cocoanuts. . . . W. G. Daniels back from vacationing approves of Yosemite. A photographer of no mean ability.... Often wonder what happened to other half of Half Dome. . . . Yardman Chas. Watson back from a fishing trip. Earlier in the century, Charlie was known up and down the Great Lakes from Ontario to Superior for his superb casting. Uses castoroil on the reels. ... Ed Simmons, 'Car Dep't., to San Francisco Fair. . . . "Mac" McCreery, rate clerk, and family will visit Yosemite and the West Coast Exposition. . . . Sid Eaton, yardman, and wife to points in Colorado and Utah, one way via the Golden Gate show. Sid switched cars in Colorado when Pikes Peak was a mole hill. . . . John Hoyal, roundhouse, and wife, explore Treasure Isle, etc., in the north. . . . Fred Bakeman, Car Shops, and wife, away for the East Coast, maybe Boston baked beans and brown bread.
Chas. De Long, car inspector, and Walter Ham, agent, off on pension. The latter prematurely, owing to ill health. Stout fellah, Walt. . . . Genial Jefe de via, Clarence Vincent spending his loose moments on "Rancho Grande" near Encinitas. .Big avocado enterprise. Many weigh twenty pounds. Doesn't say how many. . . . Arthur, son of Engineman Clem Austin, successful one of 150 contestants for assistant conductor of the Federal Music project in New York, recently wielded the baton before a large audience at World's Fair, N. Y. Also studying for his M. A. at Columbia. . . . Son of Chet. Mills, conductor, graduates from Cal. Tech. Viva, our dads. . . . Don Little, one time ice skating champ of Pennsylvania and Eastern Oregon, says that while ice skating is not considered a sedentary occupation, a pair of water wings girding the loins of beginners, isn't half bad as a shock absorber.
Skipper Carl Cummins, also locomotician, launches his power boat in the Pacific. U. S. dep't. of fisheries issues warning to all sea-going fish. Dick Love, telegrapher, second mate on the Cummins schooner, fishes with his new miniature dynamometer cut in on the line. Registers drawbar pull and indicates size of those that "get away." . . . Telegrapher Art Stewart relieving on second trick "KN" on Sundays of late. . . . Archie Strader, general roundhouse foreman, on vacation for a month. Jack Fiedler, night foreman, relieving him. Bob Hill, relief foreman, working nights. Bob just returned from a visit to Ohio and Ill., where an attempt was made on his life. They tried to kill him off with fried chicken and biscuits. . . . Frank Heisman, foreman section one, off on sick list.
August, Page 16-17
San Diego & A. E. Ry.
Al. Wyttenbach, Telegrapher "KN" San Diego
Bill McCormick, retired conductor, is again "at home" at his cabin. Horse Shoe Bend near Arrowhead Lake. Mac is always glad to see any of his old playmates. . . . Dan Armstrong, retired conductor, also favors the high places;
spends much time at his place in the oaks and pines a mile high at Julian. . . . Fred Armstrong, B&B supervisor, ill at home, is on the mend. . . . S. A. Lamey, trainmaster, in hospital, for a major operation, is improving. . . . Engineer Carl Cummins has been ill at home; is improved some. . . . Christina Rae MacDonald back from the hospital, was compelled to return. . . . Ben Wiemer, B&B dep't, back from hospital after quite a tussle. . . . Returned to work after short illness: Earl Hicks, conductor; Brakemen Harry Crothers and Arthur Van Booven.
N. E. Christiansen, car foreman, vacationing at Yosemite and San Francisco. There are no flat wheels at Yosemite. . . . Fred Gay, timekeeper, and family back from a visit to Treasure Island. . . . Conductor Jesse Grant and family motoring to San Francisco, stopovers at various points en route. . . . Grace De Cunea, sec'y-teletypist to DF&PA, sojourned about the Golden Gate and Treasure Island, spending the latter half of vacation at her hacienda at the beach. . . . The family of Frank Lantry, purchasing agent, visiting at Portland and Seattle, will also see the West's World's Fair. . . . J. W. Chapman, chief clerk, DF&PA, also scrutinizes the San Francisco show.
Not everyone elects to leave the Coast in summer time, but Esme Kunze, telephonist, braved it as far as the Twin Cities. Is modest about accomplishment as fisherman. We know the proud pike and pickerel from those Minnesota lakes bring their own scales when pulled in. . . . Walter Hoesly, car inspector, spends a vacation which includes San Francisco and the Fair. . . . Alex McDonald, to whose skill as a fisherman his neighbors attest, to San Francisco and return. . . . We hope San Francisco notes our patronage and some day, when we have an exposition, reciprocates. . . . Geo. Culley, TFA, chooses Santa Catalina for a short rest. It's the chewgum reef famed in song, where life is lazy. . . . C. W. Abendroth, Engineering Dep't, rides his own railroad to meet his daughter who returns from the East for vacation. Miss Abendroth, a talented musician studies at Yale School of Music.
Harry Jones, MW clerk, and family returned from a trip to Pueblo, Colo., due to illness of his father. . . . Sup't J. R. Lowe, remodelling his home on Pepper drive, is about to make a triumphant reentry. . . . Pete Olaney, Tunnel 15, bands over the tools of his office while he takes a short vacation. Pete explains to the uninitiated that his duties are to hold the tunnel funnel until trains have made an entry. . . . Cond'r Lew Oyer to Los Angeles to attend a wedding. It's so long ago, Lew doesn't remember if he Elmer Blurted his assent or merely said unhuh. . . . Engineer Chris Brown to Louisville, Kentucky and return. San Diego looks very good to Chris. . . . Irene Wise, new General Office stenographer, apparently is a floriculturist of ability judging from the daily contributions to the office.
Bert, son of Dave Kenmuir, does well in the pitcher's box. Success comes from putting the next one "where they least expect to find it the most." . . . Jack Fiedler, roundhouse foreman, visiting at Sacramento. ... A college degree awaits the conductor who, on arriving at his terminal, waited patiently for an hour for a bus to take him to his suburban home and, after arriving there, remembered that his car was at the office. The degree? A.M.P.-absent-minded professor. . . . H. S. Fitzpatrick, telegrapher, on vacation, will go when and whither the spirit moves and the compass directs. Not a bad idea.
September, Page 15-16
San Diego & A. E. Ry.
Al. Wyttenbach, Telegrapher "KN" San Diego
Conductor John T. Williams in the SP General Hospital. . . . Joe Binder, Roundhouse, still in hospital, condition about the same. . . . S. A. Lamey, trainmaster, at home after an operation, is gaining strength rapidly. . . . Carl Cummins, engineer, improving slowly. Carl will make the old "One spot" sing Happy Days when he gets her by the throttle. . . . Frank Heisman is on the mend, has been running a close second to our friend, Job.
D. L. McNaughton in San Francisco recently on rate matters, due to recent CRC decisions. . . . Lillian Matson, steno, to San Antonio on vacation. Daughter Blanche, who has been there several months, will return with her. . . . The two sons of Clarence Knight, agent Chula Vista, away to Mississippi visiting relatives. Will do something about the bumper "watah million" crop. . . . Ken Frye, San Diego freight, dragging the lakes in the Sierra for fresh fish. If not too much tonnage, will return via San Francisco and the Exposition. . . . Conductor Dave Kenmuir, chairman, to San Francisco on committee work. . . . Conductor Fred Wiebens clings to the old love and attends fireman's convention at Oakland. Fred rides the caboose, but his heart is up ahead.
Paul J. Sherer, asst. B&B supervisor L, A. Division, batting for Fred Armstrong during the latter's illness. . . . Welton and Mrs. Grosdidier, both of General Office staff, entertained a number of associates at the Old Globe Theatre of Exposition fame, at a performance of "The Drunkard." Mrs. Eichenlaub, wife of Carl, civil engineer, appeared in various roles and did a splendid job of acting.
Grace De Cunea, GF&PA office, threw a couple of nifty parties at her beach place, for office members. It is reported that the nights were large, and "refreshments" really meant something to eat. . . . Jean, daughter of C. W. Abendroth, Engineering Dept., has been delighting the musical populace at recitals, and getting a good press. . . . Visit of Car Foreman N. E. Christiansen's sister was the occasion for Mrs. "Chris" putting on a party for 27 guests. We offer a used typewriter ribbon against a second-hand brake shoe that Chris had to help with the dishes. . . . Mrs. Mary Sherman entertained a group at the Cafe Del Rey Moro, honoring the visiting sister of Mrs. Grosdidier, Mrs. Howe.
Bill Murrin, yardman and Spanish student, graciously assists anyone needing help in mastering that language. . . . Thomas D. Hood, machinist, retired on Aug. 15. He began railroading in Kansas in 1891, worked at various places on the Santa Fe Ry. until 1895, when he came to National City to work for the NC&O Ry which is now part of the SD&AE. During his railroad experience he also served as gang foreman in back shop, general back shop inspector, and roundhouse foreman. . . . C. W. Roberts, section foreman, retired Aug. 31. He, too, began his career on the Santa Fe in 1886 in Kansas. Before coming here he also served on the M.P. and S.L.S.F. Clem bossed extra gangs and various sections on the SD&AE including section one at San Diego, from which he retired.
Business getting committee announces a picnic in the offing. asks that we keep September 17 open for the occasion, and await further news. . . . Our definition of transportation: "Bringing somebody something good."
October, Page 16
San Diego & A. E. Ry.
Al. Wyttenbach, Telegrapher "KN" San Diego
Christina Rae McDonaId of Superintendent's office, who had been ill for the past year, died last month. She was a native of Scotland and commenced working for the SD&AE in 1918. Her brother, Alex, works at the car shops. . . . Engineer John L. Brady was taken suddenly ill and passed on while at Calexico. He was from Niles, Ohio, worked as engineer on the DRGW out of Denver in 1901 and later on the T&G, AT&SF, SP, and came to the SD&AE in 1918. . . . Don Little, trainmaster's clerk, and family were called to Eugene, Ore., by the sudden death of Don's father. . . . Those who experienced these losses have the sincere sympathy of hosts of friends and co-workers.
Earl Wilfley of San Diego machine shops was taken ill suddenly and rushed to Mercy Hospital here for an operation. He is now improving. . . . Ben Weimer, B&B man, who has been in Gen'l Hospital for the past three months, is home again. . . . Conductor Jack Williams was also in General Hospital for an operation and is back on the job as good as new. . . . Mrs. A. B. Raine is recovering from a fracture of the foot. A. B. now knows this about home economics: what temperature sustained how long makes an egg edible.
Welton and Nell Grosdidier, of General Office, have a new home high on Point Loma, a beautiful "Nest in the West" admirably situated. If you haven't seen the world from atop Point Loma by moonlight, you've been cheated.
Clarence Vincent, genial roadmaster, because of the heavy early rain, made a second start on his vacation with his family. San Francisco and the Fair is the immediate goal. . . . Harry Jones, MW-B&B clerk, spent his vacation close to the base of supplies and returned full of vigor and ready for anything. . . . C. L. Lay, telegrapher San Ysidro, vacationed around Los Angeles. . . . H. J. Ward, cashier San Ysidro, took his close to nature and worked among his avocados by way of a change. . . . Doc Frye, yardman, and family spent a week in the High Sierra; says he met a very nice stranger who gave him a nice, big fish. . . . Cash Drebert attended a family reunion at L. A., incidentally exploring the LAUPT. . . . Joe Lee, cashier San Diego freight, and wife to the east coast, will visit the World's Fair, New York.
Andy, B&B foreman, and Laura Dahl, Agent Jacumba, off for a few days at the San Francisco Fair. . . . Telegrapher Art Stewart relieving at Jacumba, also at San Ysidro. . . . Earl Hicks, conductor of the Golden State, went fishing with good success. In consequence, one telegrapher's family eats a nice brace of baracuda. . . . Charlie McHone and son John of San Diego and National City sections, a-fishing in Mexican waters, and a twenty-pound sea bass affords sustenance for a week. , . . Ben Diffenbaugh, yardman and chairman of the Business-Getters, tore off towards El Paso to meet son Ben, Jr., who has been travelling in old Mexico. . . . Dick Love, telegrapher, and Walt Hoesly, car inspector, schoonered out for some deep sea fishing. Walt broke a pole and a hook and nobody knows what got away. . . . F. Cesena Castro, telegrapher Tecate, returned from several weeks' business trip to Mexico City. . . . Pedro Charles took his place and is now assigned the new job created by the copra business.
Brakeman Tony Maniz chose the wrong time of the month to re-roof his house at National City. After the roof was completely torn off, it started to rain and Tony had to sleep under a tarpaulin. . . . Retirement of Clem Roberts, an Diego section, last month has caused several moves. Charlie McHone from Campo to San Diego; Bill Newberry, Jacumba, to Campo. Marvin Shelton and George Pray doing the relief work while changes are made. . . . Joe Malter, tunnel patrolman, visiting in Riverside, Orange and L. A. counties. Joe is going to get a pair of standard gauge roller skates to use when his motor car breaks down in the east end of the Gorge. . . . Salvador Castro, Tecate foreman, com-bines business with pleasure on a trip into old Mexico. Meanwhile, Jose Soto runs the section.
Everything is set for the big picnic at Oceanside. The Business-Getting Committee has worked hard to make all arrangements and it should be a big success. Going to press just a day or so too soon to chronicle the details this month. . . . The big circus is in town and will move out over the SD&AE. By the looks of things, the Eighth Street gang is already practicing the cracking of peanuts. . . . Thanks to all of you wlio sent in news notes. A flexible map of Europe to the one who turns in most.
November, Page 17
San Diego & A. E. Ry.
Al. Wyttenbach, Telegrapher "KN" San Diego
Carl Cummins, engineer, in hospital at San Francisco. . . . Fred Bakeman, sheetiron worker, in San Diego hospital. . . . H. J. Ward, cashier San Ysidro, taken suddenly ill, now in hospital San Diego, is considerably improved. . . . Clarence Vincent, roadmaster, narrowly escaped serious injury while driving his car near Campo, where roadgrading crews had scraped some loose dirt onto pavement on a sharp curve. The car overturned and Vincent sustained a leg and shoulder bruise. The fact that he was driving slowly averted more serious consequences.
The SDAE picnic at Oceanside was well attended and everyone seemed to have a good time. The picnic committee was: Bob McCreery, general chairman, Ben Diffenbaugh, Welton Grosdidier, Stan Brown, Bill Hudson, Harry Jones, Don Little, and Fred Bakeman. The committee members who worked so hard to make the affair a success deserve a lot of credit, and have the thanks of all who attended.
A. D. Hagaman, DF&PA, and wife vacationed at the old home in Illinois. . . . Chet Reed, yardman, and wife took in the Fair at San Francisco, visiting at Fresno and Glendale en route. . . . Anne McPherson, general office stenographer, spent a month in the East, principally around Boston. One of the biggest thrills of the trip was passing through Carriso Gorge, on the SDAE, by moonlight. . . . A. B. Raine, chief clerk to gen. mgr., took a short vacation close to home plate.
Henry Fitzpatrick, telegrapher. Is the proud owner of a 1940 auto. . . . Conductor Chester Mills and wife vacationed in Washington State. . . . Don Little, trainmaster's clerk, is celebrating the ultra-unusual weather by placing a new foundation under his house. . . . Yard-man Charlie Watson and wife drove to Lake Arrowhead, visiting retired Conductor Bill McCormick near there. Bill's many friends will be glad to know he is getting along quite well, enjoys his retreat in the mountains very much. . . . Bill Hudson's hobby is mining. When not busy keeping up lines of communication, he's out on days off to prove the old saying that "there's gold in them there hills." If it's there. Bill will find it. ... Elmer Hall has a fine cabin on Palomar Mountain, not far from the site of the new 200-inch eye.
Atlas Daves, foreman, moved from La Mesa to Jacumba, having bid in that job. Marvin Shelton moves Jacumba to La Mesa. . . . Charles Van Epp is back on the Gorge patrol job after relieving Ben Wiemer on the bridge gang while latter was ill, and while Hans Hanson was vacationing. . . . 'The special trip of the Railway Boosters Club to Carriso Gorge from Los Angeles was a big success. A nine-car train was required to handle the crowd. . . . Civil Engineer Carl Eichenlaub's wife is doing some fine work as Mrs. Cohen in "Abie's Irish Rose" at the old Globe Theatre, Balboa Park.
December, Page 18-19
San Diego & A. E. Ry.
Al. Wyttenbach, Telegrapher "KN" San Diego
MW - B&B Clerk Harry Jones' father passed away at Pueblo, Colo. . . . Mrs. E. W. Tuttle, wife of Dispatcher
"Tut." Mexicali, was injured while ice skating at San Diego; will be in plaster cast for a month. . . . Dave Kenmuir, conductor, is at home after an operation at Mercy Hospital, recovering rapidly. . . . Engineer Carl Cummins in hospital at San Francisco for a tonsillectomy. . . . Bob Binder, painter, off for a week due to head injury. . . . F. A. Amstrong has returned to his job as B&B supervisor after a long illness. Paul J. Scherer, who relieved him, has returned to the L. A. Division. . . . Don Little, trainmaster's clerk, in hospital and later home with throat infection, now back on
the job. . . . Henry Ward, cashier San Ysidro, still at home, improving slowly. . . . Fred Bakeman, tinsmith, is back at work after a few weeks' illness.
T. F. O'Connell, master mechanic, appointed a member of the City of San Diego Funds Commission. . . . F. J. Lantry, purchasing agent, was program chairman at the Lion's Club doings recently. . . . S. A. Lamey, trainmaster, and wife vacationing at San Francisco. . . . Leo Carroll of Traffic Department, under observation at Gen'l Hospital, returned intact. Speaks highly of the treatment and the personnel. Swell nurses. . . . Anna Mary Sherman, file clerk, vacationed at San Francisco and Reno. The latter means nothing since she returned with the same husband. . . . Carl Eichenlaub, chief draftsman, whose avocation is cattle raising, spent his vacation in Arizona buying steers, shipping them to his ranch.
Welton Grosdidier, General Office, wound the clock and put out the cat at San Francisco Fair. . . . Esme Heibel, PBX General Office, entertained a large group of friends at a dinner party at Emerald Hills honoring Virginia Sherry of Dallas. . . . Irene Wise, who spends her time at home with chickens and fruit, delights her co-workers with plenty of fresh fruit. . . . Al Bloom, machinist assistant, spent a month in Nebraska. . . . Morrill Grant, son of Conductor and Mrs. Jesse Grant, arriving home soon from Berkeley with his M.A. . . . H. S. Fitzpatrick, telegrapher, and family inspected the site of the 200-inch mirror at Palomar. . . . Kenneth and Mrs. Frye visited at San Bernardino. . . . Recent visitors here: Laura Dahl, agent Jacumba, and B. B. Steffa, telegrapher from Oxnard. . . . Fred Gay, timekeeper, now in the role of inventor, has "Pat. Pending" on a new folding chair. . . . .Conductor Ed Reinhardt and Brakeman Harry Lamb were fishing in Mexico. . . . Conductor A. B. Cummings and family visited in old Wyoming.
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