Southern Pacific Bulletin
February, Page 6
Losses Force SD&AE to Quit Passenger Service
UNDER authority granted by the Public Utilities Commission of California, through passenger train service over the San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railway Co. between San Diego and Calexico was discontinued Jan. 12.
Freight service over the line, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Southern Pacific Company, will not be affected.
The Utilities Commission ruled that abandonment of passenger service was justified, citing an annual loss of $439,000 by the company in passenger operations.
March, Page 18
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Herman Kefel, city ticket agent, San Diego, took a week of his vacation in January to move into his new home at 2728
Nipoma St., Loma Portal, which has a wonderful view of the new Mission Bay project. . . . Ruby Minder, resigned
her position as steno-clerk in DF&PA office, San Diego, January 31, awaiting the second arrival of the stork.
Good luck to you, Ruby - we will be expecting a future SP employe.
May, Page 22
SD&AE VETERANS who recently retired are Joseph A. Mollay (left) and Daniel J. Daugherty. Mollay retired as machinist helper after 32 years' service; Daugherty as passenger brakeman after over 30.
TRAFFIC: Kenneth D. Frye, to traveling freight agent, SD&AE, succeeding the late Leo D. Carroll.
June, Page 14
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Kenneth D. Frye, whose appointment to traveling freight agent succeeding the late Leo D. Carroll was announced in
last month's Bulletin, was honored by being elected president of Executives Associates of San Diego. . . . Jack
Wilkinson, formerly of local freight office, was appointed city freight agent, succeeding Frye. . . . Pat Mottram,
chief rate clerk, and wife vacationed in May at Long Beach, to visit a son who works for SP at Wilmington;
at Berkeley to visit Mottram's mother, and at Houston to visit other relatives. . . . Sorry to report the death of
two retired employes: Sadie Nichols, former voucher clerk in Supt's Office, April 30; and George Rogan,
former carman helper. May 7.
June, Page 23
MISCELLANEOUS: Sadie H. Nichols, voucher clerk, SD&AE, April 30; George Rogan, carman hlpr., SD&AE.
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