Southern Pacific Bulletin
January, Page 26
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond,
Irene McInerny clerk, DPO, and husband spent the holidays in Portland
and The Dalles visiting relatives. . . .
Bill Douthett, TPA, took the last week of his vacation over the Christmas holiday.
He and Mannie Adier, our other TPA, were both busy at the Naval
Training Station and the Marine Recruit Depot taking care of Christmas leaves.
February, Page 47
Pensioners: Sidney H. Williams, machinist, SD&AE.
March, Page 50
MISCELLANEOUS: Herbert B. Williams, brakeman, SD&AE.
May, Page 26
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Tom Fielding, TM, attended the Southern Pacific "Family Meeting" in Houston. . . . Herb Howard, ADPA, went to
Sacramento with the San Diego Chamber of Commerce Good Will Tour and attended the legislative
session. . . . Grace DeCunea, ticket clerk, was home ill for a few days with the "flu."
Mannie Adler, TPA, is keeping the highway hot between here and Oceanside, where he is selling tickets to
Marines going on leave. . . . Roy O. Betts, yardman, retired April 1, after 42 years of service, ten of them with the
SD&AE. He will continue to reside in San Diego. . . . Your reporter is back on the job
and will try to keep San Diego news rolling in to you.
June, Page 27
Los Angeles Division
Jerry L. Green, on loan from the SD&AE Ry, was appointed asst. trainmaster to aid beet and perishable handling.
June, Page 44
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Traffic Manager Tom Fielding has been reelected to the Board of Governors of the San Diego Club for the year
1953-54. . . . Herb Howard, ADPA. will soon be leaving us and reporting to Los Angeles as ADPA. We are
going to miss Herb but our best wishes for continued success go with him. . . . Herman Kefel, CTA, is back on
the job after an operation. . . . C. J. Wells. cashier CTO, and Mrs. Wells chose Vancouver, B. C., for their
vacation. . . . Cecil Walden, ticket clerk, returned from a motor trip through Arizona and New Mexico,
returning via Las Vegas and Apple Valley.
John Chapman, retired chf rate clk in. DF&PO, and Mrs. Chapman have booked passage on the
Queen Elizabeth for England to return to their birth-places for a visit with relatives.
We were happy to have George B. Hanson, PTM, and James G. Shea, public relations manager, Southern
District, with us at the Convair Night for Executives' Secretaries May 8. Kenny Frye, Jack Wilkinson and
Floy Richmond won three of the four prizes given.
June, Page 47
Girls to: Jack Hunt, SD&AE.
July, Page 26
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Tom Fielding, TM, has been in General Hospital, SF, recuperating from surgery. . . . Jim Shea, mgr. public relations,
LA, was back in the old home town May 29 to address the Hi-Hatters Club. . . . Pat Mottram, chf. rt. clk.,
DF&PO, and wife journeyed to Seattle, Montana, and St. Paul, visiting relatives and friends
along the way. . . . Jack Hunt, tkt. clk., and family vacationing in Salt Lake City. . . . Happy to hear
that Tkt. Clk. Bill Piepenbrink's wife is leaving the hospital after major surgery. . . . Floy Richmond,
secty. to TM, attended the Executives' Secretaries national convention at Berkeley.
August, Page 28
SD∓AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Alice Yeager, steno-tel. opr., has been re-elected secretary of the Cerebral Palsy Foundation of San Diego
County, Inc. Congratulations, Alice. . . . Traffic Manager Tom Fielding is back in the office, having made a
speedy recovery from surgery at General Hospital, SF. . . . H. Kefel, CTA, and Mrs. Kefel spent their
vacation at Soboda Mineral Hot Springs, near San Jacinto. ... A welcome to Jimmie Scott, returned
from furlough to take position of ticket clerk vacated by resignation of Jack Hunt. . . . Floy Richmond,
secretary to the traffic manager, and husband have just moved into their new home on Point Loma.
September, Page 37
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Grace DeCunea, ticket clerk, is visiting relatives in Spokane. . . .Mannie Adler, TPA, and family returned
from a trip to Yosemite by car. . . .Our vacationists: Barbara Burns, ticket clerk: Alice Yeager,
steno-tel opr.; Bill Douthett, TPA, and Jack Wilkinson, CFA, are spending their vacations at home this year.
October, Page 29
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Welcome to Charles McGann, TPA, transferred to San Diego from Palm Springs. . . . Mary (Pat) Hastings and daughter made a vacation trip to
Toronto. . . . Kenneth Frye, TFA, returned from northern California where he reports excellent fishing. . . . Joe Bartlett, chf. clk. RSA,
vacationed at home.
W. A. (Bill) Douthett, TPA, retired September 1. Bill joined Southern Pacific in 1918 at the Depot Ticket Office, Los Angeles, after 14
years with eastern lines. In 1921 he was transferred to the SD&AE at San Diego as city ticket agent. He was promoted to city
passenger agent in 1923 and later to traveling passenger agent. Bill is well known among the railroad fraternity.
November, Page 34
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
Welcome to Dorothy O'Campo, new tkt. clk. in CTO, who formerly worked for PE and AT&SF. . . . Bill
Piepenbrink, tkt. clk., made trips to Palm Springs, Indio and Ensenada on his vacation. . . . Floy
Richmond, secy., just back from hers, spent at Martinez Lake on Colorado River and Los
Angeles. . . . Pat Mottram, chf. rate clerk, and Mrs. Mottram have sold their home and are
buying a trailer. . . . Conductor Earl L. Hicks, in SD&AE train service since 1922, was
found dead at his desk in the caboose on his Coronado branch run October 12,
a great shock to his many friends and associates.
November, Page 48
S.A. Lamey, to supt., SD&AE Ry.
November, Page 50
James L. Hamm, conductor, SD&AE Ry.
December, Page 40
SD&AE Railway
Head Reporter: Floy Richmond.
The Union of Railroad Workers of the Tijuana and Tecate Railway at their annual picnic on Railroaders' Day, November 7, honored
S. A. Lamey on his appointment October 15 as superintendent of SD&AE and for his years of railroad service. . . . Chief Clerk
Cliff Livermore held the lucky ticket on a deluxe toastmaster. He had just returned from vacationing in Las Vegas, Salt Lake City,
San Francisco, and way points, and from all reports his San Diego luck didn't hold out in Las Vegas. . . . Effie McGlocklin, tkt. clk., went
to Spokane to spend her vacation with her son and family. . . . Irene Mclnerny, clerk, vacationed in good old San Diego.
December, Page 45
William A. Douthett, traveling passenger agent; Rosario Gaxiola, track laborer; Clyde A. Scott, carpenter helper.
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This page last updated 10/13/2000